Cabo De Rama Beach in Goa

Cabo De Rama Beach also known as Cab De Ram Beach by the locals is a beautiful beach located in South Goa.The beach is located at a distance of 28 kms from Margao.Groves of palm trees line up the shoreline a short distance from the waves.The water here have a pristine greenish blue hue.Consequently this beach is a favorite for school and family picnics.

Behind the beach is a steep cliff having rocky flat top.A set of crude steps lead down to the beach.There are no shacks or restaurants at this beach.Overlooking the beach to it's south is the Portuguese Cabo De Rama Fort.From the fort,you can see the Cabo De Rama beach and the Arabian Sea.The view from the ramparts of the fort is truly amazing.

Come here for picnics and experience it yourself but yes cone with your necessary things.

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